Splatter Paint N' Layered Necklaces


The splatter paint trend is one I have been meaning to get into. I have always loved the paint-covered splashy look. The trend has died down but whatever. We are unservile fashionists and we'll wear what we want to wear!! (Plus I always jump on trends when they're no longer trends. It's kinda my thing) The DIY versions are really cool; they give off this "I'm too cool to care" vibe. I wanted to make a DIY paint splattered t-shirt a while back but was too scared to ruin my clothes but I will definitely do that in future. Till then, you can get the tutorial here.

I love to play dress-up because it helps me get more familiar with my clothes. Then there's the added plus that its sooo much fun!! Two bulky necklaces is not something I would do normally but I was experimenting and thought "If it doesn't work at least no one can see it" then I put it on and was pleasantly surprised. It looked good!! (to me anyway) so I paired it with this t-shirt dress and toms (not actual toms, just a generic version ;D )and I have to say I think I pulled it off. The flower pendant keeps the look soft (Is that the right word?)

Here are my paint-splatter picks

tank top, pink wrist band, watch, white wristband

And my necklace picks...

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

Some pictures I found funny. Hope you enjoy!! cheers!

Me making a pathetic attempt at jumping. Was never good at sport anyways.

"New girl" fans, this is my nick miller face. Think I nailed it? I definitely think so!

And of course I tried to dance. Never could dance either. Oh well...

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