Self-Reveal: 25 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Me


I find it a little strange that after almost three years of blogging, I have never done a "facts about me" post. That said, I decided to go big by stating 25 as opposed to stating 10 as I was initially tempted to do.

I've always been of the opinion that it's the little quirks that complete the puzzle of a person (until the puzzle pieces change totally, that is) so without much ado, here are 25 facts about your homegirl:

1. I'm very bad at basic math.

You know how people calculate sums in their heads? Nope. I do not do such. I'm a civilized person who uses calculators for their very purpose, ya know?

2. I'm Igbo.

I get the "what tribe are you?" question a lot. I'm from Imo state, Nigeria. Let me use this medium as a quick tutorial sesh. There are five Igbo states- Anambra, Abia, Imo, Ebonyi, Enugu. Yes, this means that Rivers, Delta, Crossrivers, and Benin are NOT Igbo states. I also get the "Apart from Hausa and Yoruba tribes, the remaining are Igbo na" statement a lot. The State and Capital chart would beg to differ.

3. My other names:

Olivia, Nwamara, Ugochi.

4. I think school is fun.

Apart from the frustration, constant pressure of exams and stress, being in a strictly learning environment is pretty cool actually.

5. Margaret Zhang is my girl crush.

Yes, it's a thing. I really really love Lorde but Margaret trumps Lorde any day.

6. I don't fix weaves.

I just don't. *shrugs*

7. I'm studying Physiotherapy at the College of Medicine of the University of Lagos.

Physiotherapy means physical therapy (not massage!) and it's a five year course. I have 2.5 years left.

8. My parents and I are G's.

I'm just not one of those children who lie to my parents or necessarily fear them.

9. I sing.

And I'm pretty good actually albeit a little rusty. Been a while since I used my vocal cords for anything other than passing important information, chatting with my friends or screaming when the team or person I support wins.

10. I wish I was born with 3b hair.

You know, my wish isn't too far fetched. I just want the type of curls one gets when one does a Jerry Curl perm. It's not that I don't love my hair. I just love my hair at a certain length. Medium length 4c hair is quite difficult to manage.

Confused? Here's a chart to clarify things a bit:

11. I love colours.

Just not in my Wardrobe and my living space. Makes me kinda crazy especially when the colours clash. *shivers*. I love yellow, pastel pink, blue and greyish purple for design though. Colours are pretty to look at. I just dislike wearing them.

12. I don't like body con anything.

They are so uncomfortable. When I dress up or choose an outfit, the second thing on my checklist is comfort. The first is not looking crazy of course.

13. What I want in life varies with each book.

Books open my mind and broaden my horizons. Movies too. So when I watched Lois and Clark (old variation of superman), I wanted to be a journalist. After reading Percy Jackson, I was torn between being an Architect and a Marine scientist. Let's face it though: Marine science never stood a chance. I think fishes are a bit weird.

14. I love cereal.

I'm a cereal person. Bread too. Don't know which I prefer...

15. I went natural due to...

Boredom. I was bored and tired of trying new haircuts and blah blah blah. Being natural was new untouched territory so I found it a little exciting. Just a little though. I wasn't that naive.

16. I dislike being labelled goth.

I have never touched black lipstick in my life. True, I have an unhealthy obsession with all things lace, but still. To answer your unasked question, Goth isn't edgy. The Goth style is actually influenced by the Victorian style, not to be confused with Punk.

17. Thrifting is one of my past times.

It's all great fun actually. If I wanted a 10,000 naira dress badly enough, I would save up for it. My style tilts towards the quirky side so thrifting suits me actually. You get to see one of a kind pieces. It's also kind of like digging though dirt to find gold.

18. I'm really into perfumes.

It's a family thing. My favourite scent till date is "Guilty Gucci". Mostly because I haven't used my "Midnight by Lancome" yet. Also because I can't remember the name of a particular perfume with a sort of ying and yang design on the cover (but in pink and black) and a tassel around the neck of the perfume.

19. I read a lot.

A whole lot, but never poetry. I'm more of a novel person, classic and contemporary. I really don't like self-help books (including and especially Rich dad Poor dad. Pfft).

20. I'm not a people person.

That is, my people skills could use serious help. I've greatly improved of course so I don't beat myself up about it.

21. I thrive on creativity.

When I think back, really think back, I don't remember a time that I never had an on going project. From writing, to drawing, to making clothes for my dolls and trying to figure out how to make realistic-looking food from plastasine, I've always been up to something.

22. I don't wear trousers.

Just skirts, tops, dresses and shorts.

23. I'm not particularly adventurous.

But I'm starting to think I have a suppressed wanderlust. I want to experience new cultures and see the world from other perspectives. This is actually a new development.

24. I prefer editorial makeup to...

Glam makeup. What with all the glowwwing and all, I actually prefer artsy makeup. No offense, MUAs. I'm not saying the glam makeup isn't art, mind you.

25. I keep a journal

I decided to try keeping a journal again since it worked out so well in 2013. However, I don't do recap of my day or write about significant events. That's way too long. I just write random thoughts. For example,...
Excerpt from my journal:

As I looked into her eyes, terror filled my mind because it was then I knew. A smile could be a scary thing.

I actually thought I'd make it to 30 but oh well. 

Watch the video below for bonus facts:

Do we have anything in common?

Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you!

P.S: If you like the clutch purse in the first picture, here's the tutorial

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  1. Now I know alil more about you lol. You don't wear trousers ever? Wow! I think the perfume you're trying to remember us 'Far away' by Avon.

  2. I'm with you on number 23, wanderlust awakened!

    1. I know, right?!!

      Acting on it is another issue 😂😂

  3. I actually enjoyed reading this. I don't really have a great sense of smell, so not really into perfumes. But Tee loves them and at the moment his fave for me is Gucci Guilty - got like 3 bottles on my table (2 almost empty. Lol). Didn't notice you don't wear trousers or fix weaves. Interesting! And I'm not such a fan of self help books. lol. Some are great though, but still never read Rich Dad, Poor Dad.

  4. This was a good read.
    we do have a few things in common. I am bad at maths too, calculator was made for a reason Biko. I read a lot but also also don't like self help books. I still haven't been able to read the rich dad poor dad book either.

    1. Thanks! I'm so glad someone understands my calculator stand.

  5. What a refreshing blog.
    I am a Perfume lover. Not so crazy abou 'em tho!

