What I Wore: Stripes N' Dots


Hey people!

I've mean meaning to try the oh-I-just-happened-to-find-a-beautiful-scarf-on-my-bag look for a while now. I realized the trick not too long ago- they look better on dainty bags, don't you think?

Decided to go with my usual clash print look (read the reason behind my constant print mixing here) hence the stripes and dots theme. It's also no lucky coincidence that the red matched the background. I actually really wanted to pull off a black and white look that I see fashionistas pulling off seamlessly all the time. I apparently need more white clothes as I couldn't find ANY.

The jacket actually had sleeves before. After seeing some sleeveless blazer looks I loved, I decided to do a transformation DIY (which took ages to complete because of procastination). This is my second styling of the blazer actually. The first was totally horrible and I'll be blogging about it as a fashion mistake, so stay tuned.

So somewhere along the line, I fell in love with vintage hats. I think my style might be evolving again. I was pretty sure after the tom boy phase, there would be no transitions. Oh well.

The hat is actually my mum's. I told her how I wanted a wide brim heart and we went in search of her old hats.

All items are thrifted apart from the scarf and I don't remember the brand name but it was a gift from my aunt.

I was feeling like some ultra feminine, ultra classy, french type of lady.

So on to reality... As I type this at 4am, I have not had any sleep and I'm feeling very frustrated with school. January was a very smooth ride compared to February. Hopefully, things get better.

Interesting fact: These pictures were taken on my way to school for morning classes. No, I do not dress like this to class- I simply took off the blazer & heels and replaced the hat with a more casual baseball hat and the dainty bag with my trusty tote bag.

Tell me, how would you style the hat and sleeveless blazer?


Leave a link, let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you!

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  1. I love your look, mine will be with a white pant,shirt,belt and broque

    1. An all white look? I like! It'll really make the hat pop.

  2. i like the sleeveless blazer, feels like a kimono to me so i would probably style it to the beach and the hat works well for the beach as well. love the look.

    1. Yes! The first time I saw the hat, it reminded me of a beach hat.

  3. yes, French type of Lady. love the hat.

  4. Totally love the look and your hat is so chic. I've also rocked a sleeveless blazer on he blog (which is a diy too) and I totally love it. You look really great hun

    1. Thank you! The blazer was a DIY? Didn't know that. Nice! #loverOfAllThingsDIY

  5. Lol good post, wearing it to school isn't a bad idea (without the hat and heels tho). The diy blazer looks good too!

    lets follow each other www.munamuoneke.blogspot.com

    1. Yes the hat makes a statement I really don't want to make in school.

      #HeckYes! (to following each other)

  6. You look so so good. And yes, you are really pulling off the French chic look. Hope school is better now. xx

    1. Thank you!

      Ha ha. Will let you know on friday/saturday (after my first in course exam)

  7. Reeminds me of frech movies, the hat is epicm love

  8. I have been rocking hats lately, they are my new fav. things.

    Love your look dear, slay queen!


  9. i so love your sleeveless blazers...

  10. Looove the blazer. You look so chic.

    Cheesy Pick Up Lines

  11. Love and love! This weather won't let me layer pieces in peace, lol. I have this white blazer I can't wait to pair with bell bottoms pants, I can almost see it now! And clashing prints are so in; who knew breaking rules would be a trend. Go French lady😍😘

  12. Hello. I'm just stumbling on your blog. Thanks to Goggle+ for sending posts they thought I might like to my mail. And yes, I loved your post on '5 Things you learnt at #NNHB2016.' It's similar to an event I attended sometime this year in Port Harcourt, 'Ochomma.' Even though I wasn't -still not a naturalista - I enjoyed and learned a lot like I'm sure you did in yours. And just like you transitioned out of boredom and for fun, I just may do so. I love trying new hairstyles and great (varying) hair colours, too.

    Your blog is great. I love the content and your style of writing.

