Life Adventures: In February


Ah February! The month of love! Or not.

I do not celebrate Valentine's day. Quite frankly, I hardly celebrate any holidays but this one? I usually almost totally ignore. There was a lot of hype this year. I simply went to church (marveling at the fact that almost every living soul was wearing red), struggled to put up this DIY post and congratulated myself for getting it done just in time!

I tell you, this has been an interesting month. Although it did end in a not-so-terrible way, it was filled with a lot of frustrated tears (shed and unshed) .

It all started, quite innocently, on the first of february.

In my school (UNILAG), there's this thing called crossing-over from one campus to the other, where you'd begin your programme (degree) in earnest. This year however, the criteria for crossing-over changed (Unilag's fault of course, won't go into details) and many people didn't make the cut-off mark. Then all hell broke lose! (Hyperbole, I know but it felt that way.)

The view from class.

Even though I did make the cut-off, I felt terrible. TERRIBLE. I could imagine how those people felt, most of them already secure in their thinking that they'd already made it.

So here's truly terrible part: None of my friends made it. They were close to the cut-off mark yes, but close isn't in. That made me the only one that crossed-over. Someone was even insensitive enough to ask why I didn't "carry my friends along" and "why was I the only one that crossed?"

At first I was really gloomy and very sad but eventually, I had to get over it because school started in earnest. Work overload and all that.

Needless to say, this month, I learnt how easy it was to fake being happy. Not a good thing to do but it does ward off the endless and annoying questions that come from people who sincerely care.

On a related note, I had to stop writing for ( I talked about writing for them here). I used to write the featured post section. Yes, yes stupid idea really but I just couldn't manage school, my blog, and their blog.

Honestly, it has been a real struggle trying to balance school with the blog. I have acquired some crazy multi-tasking skills! Time seems to be the enemy. I hardly have time to do anything anymore. How do people manage?

If all goes well and at the end of this session bt the blog and my academics thrive, I'll do a post on real life steps to take to actually balance things out.
So on a totally lighter and more pleasant note, I got featured on a blog! Granted, it's my second one (read the first here) but still something I got excited about.

Slightly exaggerated but still.
Head over to Not So Pop Kulture , and let me know what you think. I was actually really blunt in my answers so it might seem a bit controversal.

So I did my first sponsored post (whoop whoop!) This makes me happy because it was one of my 2016 blogging goals, working with brands and making money for the blog to at least fund it's basic needs.

March has to be better. I'm going to work hard at attaining the balance. A successful life is a properly balanced one. Shouldn't be too hard seeing as I would probably have gotten used to school and the new people I'm surrounded by.

Oh and all pictures were taken with my Infinix phone camera.

To keep up with my life, follow me on Instagram where I share pictures of outfit details, flatlays, my surroundings, food and of course, my (slight) floral obsession ; )
Lastly, if you already follow me on Instagram, you would notice there's this new thing I'm into: Taking everyday pictures that feature primary colors like the "view from class" picture above. (My love for photography is real!)
Primary colours seem to be everywhere and I'd love to see them from your view. If you do take a picture featuring primary colours, use the hashtag #PrimaryColourFrenzy and tag me, I'd love to see your work. Can't wait to see the great stuff you guys come up with!

The frugal fashion series finally kicks off in march. Are you excited?

Wishing you a Marvelous March ahead!

What did you undertake in February? 


Leave a link, let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you!

Enjoyed this post? Do me a favour, share with all your friends!

 Don't forget to keep up with MLB by subscribing and following on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Google plus and Blogloving, let's connect!


-Life Adventures: In January
- 2015 Recap | 2016 Blogging Goals

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  1. Hello, I stopped by to see if there are no hard feelings about the sheep...and I've fallen in love with your site. Ill definitely drop by very offen cus I love DIYs

    Come back soon ok, miss u already.

    1. LMAO! I just really like sheep.

      Thank you so much! More DIYs coming your way definitely : )

  2. Likeee!! Balancing school and blogging can be sso difficult but then with the proper planning, it can be done. And I love your pictures, they sure don't look like phone pictures.
    Have a great week girl.

    1. Hey Subomi!

      Yes, I'm starting to believe that (a huge thank you to my #cassiedavesblogplanner).

      The pictures? The power is in the lighting and editing

      Wishing you a great week as well : )

  3. Read the feature and I really love your answers. Girl it's not easy to balance at all, we just do what we can. Your pictures are always nice and I'm excited for the new series.

