20 Life Lessons Learnt at 20


So today's my birthday people! I don't do a lot of personal posts so I decided to make this one a personal overkill- be warned. So to keep you guys entertained, I'll be breaking up the text with some pictures of when I was younger. To the list!

1. Stylists and fashionista's have no rules no matter what they make you think. It's all trial-and-error. Sshh.

2. Love is not just a fluttery feeling in your stomach.
What makes relationships grow and last is clearly stated in the bible: 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. "Love is patient, love is kind,love it not proud, love endureth all things,... "

3. Nigerians are totally obsessed with Weddings.
Owambe and all that. Never got on the owambe train though.

4. Treat people right.
EVERYONE deserves respect. From the one year old to the 100 year old. EVERYONE.

Me totally rocking my killer matching set. Granted, my mum picked it but I owned it! LOL 
5. Blood doesn't make family.
Proverbs 18:24 "A man who has friends must himself be friendly, But there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."

6. It's not a party, as far as I'm concerned, if there's no food.
Did I mention I love chocolate cake?

7. Nudity is not fashionable no matter what they may try to make you think.
So please cover up. Leave SOMETHING to the imagination.

8. Listen more.
You can gain a lot of insight by listening. Read between the lines. People hardly ever really listen, so it's an edge. Proverbs 19:27 "Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray away from the words of knowledge. "

Regal in yellow. I was feeling feverish that day but decided to do my queenly duties. My sports house was obviously the Yellow House. For the first time that year, we did not take last. Or third. :)

9. Noodles and Bread eaten sandwich style is just yucky.
It's carbs and carbs. Like eating spaghetti and bread. Then again, I'm sure that has been done.

10. Nature photography is different from the rest.
You don't create the the memories or try to tweak them. You revel in the moments, imperfections and all that is natural.

11. You don't have to fit in.
Feel like a square trying to pass through a circular passage? That's alright. It makes you unique anyway.

12. Fashion is (now) a race
Nobody wants to be left behind. It's okay not to be trendy. Dress your way, individual style is the bomb!

Budding fashionista. This posing thing did not start today o. I was decked and feeling like an African queen (TuFace, anyone?) I remember trying to squeeze into this dress when it became undersized. I really loved it.

13. Don't be a people user.

It almost always backfires. People hate being used. besides, it's just mean.

14. Expensive doesn't always mean quality.

That's what it's meant to signify but there are always exceptions to the rules.

15. It's easier to make up excuses for the things we're too afraid to do.

The fear of failure is very real. Don't think about it, just do it. Do it.

16. There is nothing wrong with an African accent.

What did you expect? I grew up Nigerian so I talk Nigerian. If you're trying to change your accent because you're insecure, then maybe you need help? Embrace the African culture

This art thing did not start today. That's me trying to make my dad a birthday card. True, I was stealing ideas from a card. It's the thought that counts, yes?
17. People like to talk about themselves.

A lot. If you're socially awkward (like me), just keep asking people about themselves and they keep talking while you just have to listen. Problem solved.

18. Money doesn't mean success.

Happiness, Fufilment, comfort and acquired respect is what success is all about.

19. Everybody cannot like you.

It's impossible. Many people disliked Jesus. I realized no one could ever measure up.

20. Age is just a number.

It's an important number but still just statistics. Don't let age keep you from pursuing your dreams. Whether it's being the 24 year old who wants to marry a 40 year old man or the 47 year old who wants to go to school to become a lawyer. Go for it!

That's me with my extremely supportive mum (even though she doesn't always support my outfits). If you read my blog, you would have noticed I mention her a lot.

That's it people!

Someone told me he doesn't celebrate his birthday because it's a reminder that he's getting older. I say be grateful. I am. I think I'm priviledged to be getting older as many people didn't get the chance.

To whom it may concern: I have been sounding it si...nce that I love chocolate cake, yet no one wants to gvie me one. I guess I'll have to get it myself. *Pouts* But I'll settle for clothing articles and/or a blog shoutout (great idea Cassie!). Also, shoutout to Cassie Daves. her birthday is tomorrow and |I absolutely love her blog.


What life lessons have you learnt? Leave a link, let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you!

Enjoyed this post? Do me a favour, show you care by sharing :D

Don't forget to keep up with MLB on Instagram, Facebook, Google Plus and Bloglovin'., lets connect!


-My 2015 resolution list.

- A story on Friendship.



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  1. The obsession with weddings in Nigeria is real, every Sunday in church there's a prayer for single girls to find husbands *sigh*. Your mum is gorgeous! �� .
    Happy birthday ijenna

  2. Woooowww, really love this post. Why is it always yellow house that takes last, haba. Happy Birthday Sweet. Much love.

    1. Your school too?? :O Oh well. Thank you Farouq.

  3. So much for a life experience..still very inspired..HBD ij!!!

  4. I love and adore this post!!!!best post ever...simply epic...happy birthday friend

    1. Thank you! Queenola... why do I get the feeling this is you?

  5. Hey Ijenna! I lurv you for this post. Happy belated birthday nne.

  6. Lovely post! Lol i had to screenshot this...Your mum is beautiful. Happy birthday. Also, i can't marry a 47 year old man ������

    1. Thanks. Screenshot kwa! Doris, I know this is you. Never say never, you might end marrying one.

  7. Happy (belated) birthday dear!

    I hope you had a good one? I wish you the very best of blessings, may joy be your companion always!

    This is best life lessons that I've read in a while, you simply wrote from the heart and I love it. I smiled, shook my head up & down and chuckled as I read.

    The photographs from the past added a nice touch to this sweet and insightful message. Your mother is a beautiful woman.

    Life lesson that I've learned- Focus on validating yourself and don't over-depend on external validation. :-)

    1. Thanks nedoux! Yea! It's important to care what people think but when you start to over depend on them,... that isn't good. Thanks for the birthday wishes, I really appreciate this comment.

  8. Guess it's not too late to wish you HAPPY BIRTHDAY. and hope someone got you that chocolate cake.

    1. Hmmn. Lara, Nobody got me cake o. Na so we see am. Thanks for the birthday wish(es)!

  9. Obsessed with this post. I guess it's too late to say happy birthday so happy belated. I honestly love the post and every point here is so true.

    1. Osuji!! History has been made! Thanks for the birthday wishes. Do try to stop by more hmmn?

  10. Now I see why you ask a lot of questions... I used to wonder. I have learnt people must always talk negative no matter how positive you act. But it doesn't mean you shouldn't listen. Listen, pick the lessons, and those critics that are constructive. Then reform to suite your goals. Life itself is a personal race; which one must run along with others. Happy Birthday!! I will get u a chocolate cake once I get to Lagos. #Promise.

    1. Yay!!!!!!! Thank you Michael. About the asking so many questions... Its also part curiousity. *Smiles sheepishly*

  11. Wow, i really like your blog and personality. Officially my first blogger crush lol! Keep up the good work!


