What I Wore: Laid-Back Retro


Hey everyone!

I'm beginning to think the unplanned outfit posts are the best.

I had no plans of making this a style post but after getting compliments on the look, *fluffs hair* I took to the streets immediately I came back from church and took these pictures.


Interesting fact: I dressed up in under 10 minutes on this particular morning. No lie.

I woke up really late and bam! I went into automatic mode. Grabbed this dress (because it wasn't rumpled) then realised it was a summer dress and didn't cover enough so I threw this blazer on, grabbed my sandals and ta-da! All dressed and ready to go.

If you're wondering about the make up, I only use lipstick and eyeliner (gave up on drawing rows earlier, too much stress) and it took me less than 7 seconds to draw my winged-eyeliner (video coming soon on the blog) and about 10 seconds to apply my lipstick.

It worked well, because I have standard outfit formulas I usually wear.

Yes, I know, this is not the most interesting outfit but I feel minimalism has it's own aesthetic too. Besides, my hair is doing all the talking, yes? ; )


Watch: Omega

Dress: old  | Yaba

Sandals: Old

Blazer: Kim Hae Kyung (I really like korean clothes!) | Ketu

Minimal Accessories

You know, I used to believe sandals and blazers didn't go well together. Like, if your going for a polished look, stick to covered shoes. I think I stand corrected. What do you think?
Would you wear sandals + blazers?
Leave a link, let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you!

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-What I Wore: Green Crinkled Shirt Dress

-What I Wore: Vintage Shirt + Wine Blazer

-What I Wore: Colour Pop



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  1. I'm really not a sandal person, but seeing the way you rocked it well here I think I would consider getting one and pairing it with my blazers. And really unplanned outfit shoots are the best.

    1. Thank you! It was totally unplanned o. I just grabbed the closest available flat footwear and rushed out the door :)

  2. Your hair looks like a fiery afro, very cute!

    Your facial expression in the second photo is so Vogue magazine. :-)

    I'd never have thought blazers would go with sandals, but you make it look like a match made in heaven. I love the print of the dress, very cheerful colour.

    1. Thank you! I was going for that exact look!

      Yea, my mum doesn't think so. She said "Isn't there ANY other picture?" lol

      Thank you! Got the dress for N300 ;) frugal fashion...

  3. As a sandals person I say yes to sandals and anything lool. Nice outfit.

    January Recap - February Love

  4. Your hair is giving me life . You totally need to do a post on it. Beautiful
    Girl when I'm late super speed activates. Looking great

    1. Aww, thanks. Working on the post then :)

      As iiiiiiin! I get dressed (plus makeup) in 3 minutes!

  5. I Love You hair. I Love the color. I love the way it slays.

    How did you get it to look like that?

    1. Thanks! I curled it. You should probably check back on Monday. A post about it will probably be up

  6. Your hair is my favourite thing about the whole look! Perfectt


  7. Your hair is everything. The color is amazing and the curls give me life. Love it.

