Life Adventures: In January


So I decided to make the blog more personal.

I've dearly missed writing my journals and occasional personal growth posts. Let's face it- I will never be consistent with journals. Who's with me?
I felt that incorporating this "Life Adventures" segment would help me effectively review my month and tell stories (I LOVE telling stories), but what really pushed me is the fact that I could actually inspire someone.

So here we are, the beginning of a new thing. :)

Highlights of my month:

- I resumed school.

- I started writing for a fashion website "Runstripe".

- 1k followers on Instagram (girl who sucks at social media say whaaaat?!?)

I honestly started this year thinking, "This must be my best year yet". I was determined to break out of my figurative shell and stop thinking (and planning) and start doing. I can't tell you I've broken out, but there are a lot of tell-tale cracks.

I actually chickened out and didn't want to write for the website (Runstripe) anymore thinking, "What if I fail?" I realized I actually had nothing to loose. This was my chance at being a fashion writer and so I decided to go to go for it.

Am I succeeding or failing?

I write the "Featured Posts" category and so far so good although, it could be much better.

Balancing it out with school is no easy feat as I have resumed school ( At College Of medicine, Unilag) in full swing. School has been really frustrating I must confess as the school has refused to give us accommodation but by the grace of God, that issue is nearly sorted out.

On to lighter things, I cut my hair! (again)
Brand new asymmetrical bob!

It has sort of become a tradition of mine. Every year, mostly at the end, I cut my hair into a new style. I started this in rebellion to the fact that people believe your can do little to nothing with your african hair. However, I began to enjoy the sharp edges, easy styling and (let's be honest) the compliments. I inspired one or two people to treat their hair better and was truly happy about that.

Sorry about the pimply face, I am actually working on it as I stated here where I talked about the steps I'm taking and why I suddenly got the vigor to work at getting rid of my acne. I truly hope it works.

My greatest fear...

Being a jack of all trades, master of none.

Yikes! So I decided to work on some particular skills. I really don't mind being a master of two or three but none is just terrifying. So I decided to work on my fashion illustration and photography this month. Here are the works:

The pictures were taken spontaneously so that means I used my phone. Man can't be carrying camera up and down.


Drum roll please! *Waits while you (hopefully) make drumming sounds with available materials*

Baby got 1k plus followers! While this might seem like "1k? Oh puhlease!!!", it's sort of a huge deal for me seeing as I suck, absolutely suck at social media. Like it's the sort of thing that can't even shame you anymore because it has become a fact.
My philosophy this year is to celebrate every small victory and that's exactly what I'm doing. I think it happened because I started posting pictures I would want to see, not trying to copy other people's style.

Thanks guys for the love and support, I really appreciate it. You can follow me here, @unservile_fashionist. It won't hurt if you tell your friends to follow me too ; )

Since we're on the topic of social media, I finally decided to join twitter (@the_unservile) and after being there for only two days, I have to say... It's so much fun! This is a classic case of having to take my words back. In my 2016 blogging goals post, I pronounced I disliked twitter because of the unnecessary topics but I've found I love them!

P.S: If you're wondering why it's @the_unservile, @unservile_fashionist was too long *pouts* Any name suggestions are welcome. Also, you could drop your handles in the comments, I want ot follow new people.

This month, I noticed I unknowingly distanced myself from friends and family. My dad has always stressed the importance of relationships so I'm definitely going to try to fix that in February.

I really don't know how this post became so long but I decided to write freely and from the heart so I won't shorten it. My Apologies.

Wishing you a fruitful February ahead!
What did you undertake in January?
Leave a link, let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you!

Enjoyed this post? Do me a favour, share with all your friends!
Don't forget to keep up with MLB by subscribing and following on Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, Google plus and Blogloving, let's connect!


- 2015 Recap | 2016 Blogging Goals


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  1. Aha someone really had an amazing January, I wish the best February bring.... The images are beautiful, Happy New Month.

  2. In January I buried my head in school work. 500 level no be beans. But it should get better this new month. Almost everything is in place.

    1. Goodluck! (Because knowing Unilag, you're going to need it)

  3. I enjoyed reading this post. It was very interesting and endearing. You took those photos with your phone?!?!? Work it gurl!

    Wishing you a great February!

    Berry Dakara Blog

    1. Aww thanks Berry! This February ehn. Let's wait and see sha. Wishing you the same :D

  4. Lovely post. Beautiful pictures. You are a fashion illustrator??? Amaaaaaaaazing. Jan was awesome. Was a chilled month for me I loved every bit of it. Loving this segment. Dont let it go love.
    Fashion Illustrations - Adrian Valencia

    1. A budding one o. Still honing my illustration skills. Aliright, I won't. Glad you enjoyed February :)

  5. Hi! Finally checking your blog out. Lol you're not the only one who has to deal with acne. The ones on my face won't let modelling career boom �� You sure had a great start to the year. Blog collaboration sometime soon? Hehehe.. Keep up the good work ��

    1. Yaaay!!

      As in! That's how face modelling was crossed off my list o! Yes to the blog collaboration sometime soon :)

  6. Hi Ijenna,

    You had a fab January. This was very interesting, I enjoyed reading. You have a very pleasant personality.

    Those photos look too professional to have been taken with a phone, well done! Did you use an editing software?

    I took a peek at the Runstripe website, it looks like a big deal! I am glad that you found courage to get rid of your doubts.

    Your fashion illustration skills are so impressive, I haven't gone past pathetic looking stick figures. Lol

    I had a calm January, spent some time planning sewing projects for the year. Also started a great habit of falling asleep reading a book rather than looking at my phone screen.

    Have a great weekend.

    1. Thank you!

      I use snapseed (a mobile editing app).

      Ha ha! You should have seen my drawings when I was younger. They were like circle figures with shoulders that were obviously too broad. I recommend They have epic tutorials!

      Well, I fall asleep reading a book on my phone :)

      Thanks for your lovely comment :D

