What I Wore: Maxi Dress + Vintage Shirt


Remember how I said I would be incorporating more outfits of me wearing maxi's? This is me doing just that. This was basically a normal day for me- I hurriedly got dressed without even thinking about it ( I honestly don't plan my outfits unless its an occasion) and I thought hey, why not do an outfit post on this?

Guess who's back for good? Exams are finally over (Thank God!) and I think they were okay. The results will tell.

On some days, we wear slippers. Most days for me actually. This a recent development (blame it on Unilag's casual style) but I think it suits my style well- slippers make every outfit look... slightly undone. Right?

Outfit Details:

So I decided to give this another go. I would love suggestions on how to go about this. Really, any suggestion is welcome.

Hat: Macy's (old)

Dress: From an individual seller

Shirt: Hatico

Slippers: Random store at Yaba

Necklace: A market in Benin Republic

Remember the hat? I did in fact use it to cover up a "bad hair day" ;)


So I sort of changed the look of the blog. You like? Would you wear this outfit? How would you put your spin on it? How have you worn your vintage shirt? Leave a link, let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you.

Enjoyed this post? Do me a favour, show you care by sharing :D

Don't forget to keep up with MLB on Instagram, Facebook, Google Plus and Bloglovin', Lets connect!

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  1. Hmmm.m.refreshing.u could have done better with your feet tho

  2. Love the look. The new layout is cool too but I think I prefer the former. Welcome back!


    1. Really? *pouts* But I really like this one.
      Thanks anyway.

  3. Cool printed throw

    BLEURGH - www.bleurghnow.com

  4. Nice shirt! Now you wanna make me try out this vintage shirt.


  5. What happens to those of us that are working and still want to look unconventional???....please make fashion updates on that, thanks darl...looking forward to it

    1. Alright, I will write something on that, stay tuned. Thanks for stopping by!

