Outfit: "COTTDS"


How y'all doing? Sorry I have been MIA (Missing In Action) for a while. Hope you had a fab Valentine's day? Mine was basically business as usual with an added comfort- sleep.

The acronym "COTTDS" means "Come Over To The Dark Side". I have an affinity for dark colours and shades. I'm partial to prints. If you read my blog, you know this by now- I am slightly obsessed.

Ok,  now to the details I never seem to deliver right...

Dress- Gift from a friend.
Hat- Passed down to me from my aunty. She was slightly older than me when she rocked that.
Shoes- "Your feet look Gorgeous" gotten from an unpopular store.
Lipstick- Avon
Wristwatch- Gift from friend
Shirt- Gotten thrift shopping.
Eyeliner- Been using it for a while so the name's rubbed off. Never cared in the first place. *Shrugs*

The "skirt" is actually a dress. I'd rather wear crop tops with dress as they don't show ANY skin. I rocked the dress and shirt here and here respectively on the blog.

Not much of a makeup person but I knew a dark shade of lipstick and heavy eyeliner complement this outfit(also, that's basically my go-to makeup look).

I tried a twirl. Yes, the hat threatened to fall so I had to hold it.

Almost falling down after first attempt. Arms positioned that way to regain balance. Goofy grin in place. :D

Mid-twirl. Makes a rather interesting pose doesn't it?

This pose to me is like...
She's walking alone in an alley.
She hears a sound, she turns. She sees.
She backs up against the wall and draws a breath thinking."What the??"

To be continued... (I am actually thinking of writing stories. Haha.)

I love, love this outfit I must tell you. One of my personal favourites. It's sophisticated and edgy and that's what I go for (when I want to dress up anyway).

Wishing you a great week ahead!

Your thoughts?

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  1. I love your writeup... interesting
    Thanks for stopping by my blog
    Are we following each other?make we no waste time...lol

    Beautiful outfit

    1. Thank you very much. Followed you already. Your blog is on point!

  2. Post made me smile, I good around while taking pictures too. Thanks for stopping by my blog x


    1. Really? Sometimes, I'm really serious with it. I'm glad this post made you smile :)

  3. you look fab in that skirt! nice outfit.
    ps. lovely write up!

