15 Creative and Affordable Hobbies To Kick Back Boredom


The word boredom is mostly foreign to me.

Not necessarily because I have a lot of things occupy my time (medical student + blogger + You Tuber = Little to no free time) but because I've always had a string of hobbies, especially when I was still in secondary school (high school) and was a blog-less person. Har.

I remember dabbling in fashion illustration at the age of 12 when I still had grand illusions of being a designer and reading countless magazines when I was 14 because I wanted to be a fashion writer. And most recently, subscribing to countless photography blogs so I could at least produce visually acceptable pictures.

Hobbies generally make for a more productive mind and developing a new skill never hurt anyone so here are 15 hobbies that won't make your pockets empty whilst increasing your creativity.

1.  Blogging/Vlogging

Trust me, blogging/vlogging is a lot of fun and something you'd enjoy if you're passionate about one, two or more topics. You get to air your views and connect with like-minded people. You could even graduate from being a hobbyist and turn it into a full-time job which would be living the dream, eh?
Meanwhile, subscribe to my blog and YouTube channel for awesome content. *wink wink*

2. Drawing (illustrations)

No, don't move on to the next point because you don't know how to draw.
I put "illustrations" in brackets because illustrations are far easier than detailed drawings. Sort of like a cross between an actual drawing and a sketch or icon.

I used to play around with fashion illustration back in the day but I really learnt how to draw in 2011. I used to do pencil portraits, fun but too time consuming. 8 hours as compared to a five minute fashion illustration? I shifted my focus.

It's really fun though especially if you're a fashion enthusiast like moi. It's also relatively easier than other forms of drawing in my opinion. If you want to get into fashion illustration, check out this site. Really helpful tutorials.

3. Write a song
Song writing is a pretty cool hobby as it allows for diversity and self-expression. You could write about anything you want. Tell a story. Preach a message.

I actually dabbled in songwriting. My write ups came out a little weird and all over the place though. I didn't know that was also a style of song writing until Lorde made her debut in 2013. Been my favourite musician ever since. 

4. Knitting/ Crotchet/ Embroidery
I know these activities are mostly associated with older people but they're actually quite relaxing and creative. Unless you're not particularly skilled in which case they can be incredibly frustrating.
I still don't know how to knit (I honestly don't think it's my calling) but I enjoy crotchet and recently learnt to embroider.

To read about my first embroidery attempt (above) check out this post.

5. Disk Jockey-ing

There's just something about having those headphones on and one's hands on those disc spiny thingies.
As you can tell from my terminologies, I know next to nothing about DJ-ing but I think it would be crazy fun, yes? It's one of those things I haven't round to doing but I still will.

6. Cooking

Cooking is so much fun and is something to be enjoyed. It's an art as far as I'm concerned and you get to play with textures, flavours, recipes and so on. Especially baking. Cakes and pastries? Yum!

I actually read cook books for fun : )

7. Beat a world record

If there's one thing humans live for, it's trying to out-do one another. So why not channel your bored energies into out-doing your fellow bored humans by beating a world record? Wouldn't that be awesome?!!

That is, until someone beats your record.

8. Gardening

You would enjoy gardening if you love nature and don't mind getting dirty whilst nurturing life. 
I'm not particularly big on gardening but my mum has always been a fan. I particularly enjoy the harvesting period. There's nothing quite like home grown food.

It takes patience and constant care so if you possess these qualities, gardening is probably for you.

 9. Adult Colouring book

Have you ever tried one? It's so much fun and is basically stress-free art. Just get your colouring pencils or crayons and get creative!

10. Dancing

Joining a dance group is a pretty good way of meeting new people and making new friends so if you're not particularly good, there's that at least.

I used to be okay at dancing until I started dancing for "fun" which basically involved me moving carelessly to the beat. I used to be all "dance in whatever way makes you happy", now I've lost what little skill I possessed. 

Oh well.

11. Hand lettering

You know you see all those pretty quotes written in fonts that look handwritten? That's hand lettering and it's quite enjoyable.

You could write random quotes, throw in a cute illustration, frame it then put it up in your room. Or give a friend as a gift (Yes, I'd love to get one from you <3 ).

12. Videography/ Photography

This is probably the most popular hobby on this list, with good reason too. Show the world (or your friends) your perspective on things by capturing how see your world.

13. Sewing

There's no disadvantage in knowing how to sew, trust me. It's an exciting process actually. And when you can't find an item that suits that style you're currently loving, you could easily just recreate it from fabric at hand.

14. Origami

Origami is the Japanese art of paper folding. You could get into making beautiful paper art, it's amazingly fulfilling. I dabbled but wasn't particularly good so I let it be.

 15. DIY

Why is DIY (Do-It-Yourself) on this list when there's sewing above? Not necessarily the same.

Apart from being broader in range, I think DIY has more to do with transforming something to another or making something using a ridiculously simple method. Sewing has so many technicalities compared to the standard fashion DIY.

Life is too short to be bored, eh?

If you try out any of the above let me know by sending an email (info@miralalbelle.com) or tagging me on Instagram.

Are any of your hobbies listed above?

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog, my YouTube (new videos every Friday!) and follow me on Instagram, let's connect!



P.S: How's your week going so far?

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For your dose of style inspiration,fashion & photography tips and DIY projects, all on a (low) budget.

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  1. Really nice hobbies. I'm into photography, video editing and recently cooking. oh yeah, I read too.


    1. Thanks Tonye. I actually love your photos!

  2. Hey love,
    I sew when I'm home (Lagos) and I'm into photography too. I think illustration is something I want get into.
    Cool hobbies by the way.


    1. Yes, you totally should. It's a lot of fun especially when you love fashion.

  3. I love photography and also cooking sometimes. Nice post.https://meilifisayo.wordpress.com/2017/05/01/15-fun-facts-about-me/

    1. Thanks babe!

      I think almost all bloggers are into photography seeing as its a vital part of content creation.

