How To Remove Unwanted Objects From Pictures Using Snapseed (mobile photo editor)


Seeing as things don't work out exactly how we plan in life, it just so happens that sometimes, unexpected and unforeseen things occur in our pictures. Like the time you thought the car in the background gave your picture "character". Or when unwanted cookie crumbs in your flatlay suddenly became visible. Or you when realized there was a fly in your eye in that selfie.

Just Kiddding.

Snapseed is one of my favourite apps because apart from being the best free mobile photo editing app, it has two really very useful features: the selective tool and the healing tool. I showed how I used the selective tool in this post, but today's photography tutorial features the healing tool which helps remove unwanted stuff from your pictures.

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We'll be using three instances, two landscape views and one outfit picture. Let's get right to it!

1. The intruder.

A little dramatic yes, but I felt this tree was really cramping the style of this picture. It looked a little out of place to me and ruined the minimalist vibe I wanted to achieve so it had to go.

So you're going to open the app and select healing.  Run your finger over the part you want gone. In the previous versions, snapseed would you to clone parts, ie, you would be able to choose what you'll be replacing the parts you don't want showing with. Is this making sense?

Now, you just run your fingers on the unwanted parts in the hopes that everything would work out just fine.

And boom! Worked out just fine.

2. The distraction.

So when I took this picture, I actually purposefully and unnecessarily added the palm frond into the picture. I thought it would turn out artistic and so on until during post production, I realized it was nothing but a distraction. By which time, I was in no mood to reedit so I just used snapseed.

Repeat the process above to remove the plant. Sometimes, you might need to zoom in to get this right and if it doesnt work out well, undo then start again. I did this about three times before getting it right.

The resulting picture looks way better as the focus is now completely on the outfit.

3. The Poker

I apologize, I couldn't think of a better name and this was the only thing that popped in my head. This picture is actually okay but those two things on top of the building just don't belong there. So oddly placed. I felt the picture would look far better without them so *fancy sword moves* off they went!

I ran my finger on the antenna dish thingies and just went with the flow. Eventually, we were left with two dark spots. When I realized that was the best the healing tool could do, I went straight to the selective tool and chose the dark spot and brightened them up. 

You could learn how to do this here.  It's a post on how I edit my Instagram photos and how to theme your feed. Are you following me on Instagram by the way? Hit the follow button, dooo it!

Ta-da! Crisp and clean!

And that's it! 

You could very well do this in Photoshop with the patch and/or clone tool but using a mobile app like Snapseed or Facetune might be more convenient and faster depending on the situation. 
For tips on taking good pictures with your phone, read this post.
To know how to fix a bad photo, click here.
For a step-by-step guide on how to to restore your yellowish looking photos back to white, read this post

Got any corrections, tips or questions? Did you find this post helpful? Any tutorial requests?
Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you!

Also, if you have any interesting photo disaster stories, share in the comments.

I'll go first: I once found a fly on my hair after taking a really dope portrait shot for the blog.

Don't forget to subscribe to the blog, subscribe to my You tube channel ( my best friend and I post new videos every Friday) and follow me on Instagram, let's connect!


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For your dose of style inspiration, fashion & photography tips and DIY projects, all on a (low) budget.

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  1. Snapseed is a huge life saver. I usually use it to get rid of paint cracks on walls mostly. Thank you for the tutorial.

  2. awesome! Thanks to you and snapseed I'm feeding my pic editing pastime. I just like editing pics for the fun of it and I love the results I've been getting with the snapseed tutorials you shared. Thanks.

  3. Never heard of this app but this is wonderful. Thank you for sharing Ijenna, definitely downloading it. xx

    1. Really?!! I'm quite shocked you haven't heard of snapseed.

      You're welcome Demi!

  4. Never hear of this app...
    You need to see the apps I have on my phone for just editing picture alone.. Deleted some this morning when I woke up, photo director, Photoshop express, picsart, beautiful or so, you cam...
    Going to download this now, probably adding it to the list������

    Thanks a lot.. ��

  5. Thanks so much for this post dear! I'm a new blogger and this is so helpful❤

  6. Its very crucial resources that i got on your website. thanks a lot

  7. Nice Photoshop tutorial! Each and every step clearly explore no any confusion to follow it.. Thanks!!

