What I Wore: Styling Extra-long sleeves


It's amazing the way style works. Clothes can be changed up, down to maximize one's closet. It's just about imagination and being creative.

Hey people!
This is going to be a really quick post.

This is my mum's shirt. I just removed the cuff-links and let the sleeves down and boom. Extra extra extra long sleeves. No money spent. I apologize for the wrinkles by the way. I ironed and ironed and the wrinkles refused to straighten out.

This look is more glam than I'm used to because red lipstick but I'm quite loving it. paired the shirt with this skirt that I got as a gift in 2013. I actually forgot about it until I cleared out my wardrobe. It has become a fave.

So which look do you prefer? The shirt tucked in or not?

I've been loving my clothes more since I got rid of most of them. I am now major on decluttering.

How would you style extra long sleeves? You loving the trend? Leave me a comment, I'd love to hear from you!

PS: Latest photography tutorial featuring how to remove unwanted onjects from your pictures       using snapseed.

Back to Basics: The classic white t-shirt and how I styled it.

Valentine's Day Ouftit ideas, day to night (the outfits still work no matter the occasion)

How To Do Something Novel (general tips on conquering the unknown)

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For your dose of style inspiration, fashion & photography tips and DIY projects, all on a (low) budget.

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  1. Love!!!!! I basically adore exxagerated sleeves!!!! I prefer the tucked in too. It has this flair to it!!


  2. Loving the exagerated sleeves girl and I prefer the skirt tucked in. Such a great peice, yes to de-cluttering.
    Princess Audu

