In personal growth,

LIFE/ 19 Things I Want From 2019

Halfway through the month of January and I’m super pumped. With the levity I’ve decided to treat life with, I’ve made a list. I’m a compulsive list maker (thanks, mum) so I really couldn’t resist making a list of the things I want from 2019.Important fact to note: This is not a list of goals or resolutions. It’s similar to the list of...

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In art,

ART/ Connecting The Lines

Life is a series of missing clues, it’s up to us to fill in the gap and make sense of the general picture.I learnt a thing. While the current ASUU strike has its setbacks, the free time equipped me with zeal to finally practice and learn line art. Opportunities come in the most unique packages.The appealing part about line art is the mystery in...

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In personal style,

STYLE/ Out With The Old

Out with the old, in with the new.A new year inspires life-changing decisions and actions. I however, am sticking with a continuity plan. New year, same me.I had seriously underestimated the pressure a new year brings. The itchy feeling to be better, to make actionable goals and plans which end up falling short of expectations because life, and leaving one worse off than at...

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In personal style,

STYLE/ A Great Time To Be Female

In my opinion, it’s a great time to be female and a bad time to be a feminist. Now I know this isn’t what our foremothers died for but feminism has become a joke. Not due to any fault of the concept in itself, but due to a lack of knowledge of its very values. The problem with social concepts is that they are largely...

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In adventure, travel

LIFE/ A Week In Enugu

Travel makes one modest. You see what a tiny place you occupy in the world.-Gustav FlaubertI went for a Physiotherapy Convention at Enugu and for the first time in my 22 years, I travelled with the mindset of seeing and exploring. I’ve heard often times that a change of pace is sometimes needed to maintain one’s sanity. After this trip, I have to...

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In art,

ART/ The Person You Once Knew

Change. The only constant in this world of ever shifting forms, properties and phases. What happens when one changes and can no longer recognize one’s past self?I’ve recently started writing letters to myself. It is addressed as so:“To whomever you end up being,Wherever this finds you,Whenever this finds you.”I’ve always had a thing for documenting my thoughts, days and life. Whenever I go back...

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In personal style,

STYLE/ Chronophobia

“What happens next?”The constant question on our minds as we sail through this journey called life.Live in the now, they say. Every moment is precious- I know this, you know this, we all know this. Man is generally bad at taking his own advice. Hence, Chronophobia. The fear of the future. The fear of what comes next.What will be will be. What will be...

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In personal growth,

LIFE/ 2 Simple Steps To Productivity

Lately, I’ve decided to pick up the pieces of my life and form an existence I can be proud of. One that I find satisfying. As such, I realized I need to get my act together and I achieved this in two simple steps.-Plan realistically but intentionally I’ve always been a planner, it’s the way I was raised. Every morning, I was supposed to...

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In art,

ART/ Life as an Art Form

Art. The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colours, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the senses and emotions.Art form.Any activity or piece of work that has artistic merit.It is often said that art imitates life, and life imitates art. The blank canvas being when we’re born with a clean slate, the medium our environment. The strokes the decisions and...

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