Hello, September


Happy new month people!

The year is running way too fast. It feels like yesterday, I was busy making new year resolutions.

August for me was a month of realization. I learnt of a lot of new things about myself,. That's what life is about isn't it? We learn everyday, we grow everyday. I met amazing people in August and I can tell, I have grown- all in 30 days.

There is one thing I finally realised though. You know how people say time is money? I was walking on the road and it hit me. I think I finally understand it- Time isn't cheap, we can't buy time. Every minute wasted was a minute one could have used to do something useful. Right? I feel the use of money has to do with work. No matter where or how it comes, money was once work. What do you think?

Not sure if I mentioned it but I was eager to go into face-modelling. Yes, my acne is a stepping stone but I am working towards that, promise. So I did about two shoots and thought I'd share...

Beaute Florale as named by the photographer. Wondering why I have green skin aren't you?

Photo Credit: Losgiddy photography

Photo Credit: Prestaz photography

September for me is a month of motivation. I plan to work hard (and play hard of course). I plan to see my goals come into realization and deal with whatever cards life deals to me.
Lastly, I was featured on a blog, The Bucket List Goddess (cool name right?) Please check it out.

Just thought I'd drop a selfie,

Wishing you a splendid and fruitful month ahead!
Oh and yea! Are you following me on Instagram, Facebook and Bloglovin? Please do!  :)

What does September mean for you? What valuable lessons did you learn in August? Let me know in the comments, I'd love to hear from you.

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  1. I love this babe u spoke so much sense i totally agree with u money was once work. I love your style of writing You're a beautiful woman as well. Go for face modelling i love the two photoshoots u've done especially the first one! u look so confident!!! good luck for your future plans and face modelling hopefully ;) Thank you for sharing this with us hun.
    Follow my blog if you'd like to join my monthly give-away.
    Check out my new post whenever you can:


    Answering your question (I want to know your opinion... Do you think I'm doing okay? Does my blog seem like a fashion blog?)
    i think your blog is great, in fact its amazing, I think you should define it a bit more, like more of fashion trends forecast and inspirations, a bit of how to wear that would define how you feature your own personal style and photography tips and tricks post that everyone can follow, I think it's really a thing i enjoy reading and seeing on your blog.
    This however is just my opinion everything you want to do you can do as far as you are having fun and you are happy.


    1. Thank you so much for the feedback! I knew I had to increase my personal style posts and fashion trends. I realized while going through my blog that there aren't many of them.

  3. Really cool!

  4. Am drooling over the first picture
    Honestly your layout confused me...so sorry I thought I haven't been here before...but hey...at least you know you are making a good impression for first timers :D


  5. Am drooling over the first picture
    Honestly your layout confused me...so sorry I thought I haven't been here before...but hey...at least you know you are making a good impression for first timers :D


