What I Wore: 4 Tips On How to Create Edgy Outfits


For some strange reason, I've always had a rebellious streak. Not the "pierce every visible part of your skin, stay out too late, worry your parents to death" kind of rebellion though.


"Creatively challenging"

It's all about pushing boundaries really and knowing when not to cross the line.  I have no idea who sets the line but it probably differs for most people.

 Here are four tips on how to put an edgy outfit together:

  • Center Piece

Start with a center piece. It could be an accessory, a pair of shoes, a dress, anything really. This is what you'll build your outfit around. Mine was this denim dress I got as a gift from Tonye of The Black Writer.  It's a really comfy dress and the third denim clothing item in my wardrobe.

  • Combine Akwardly in a Creative manner
I threw in  brogues because it's kind of unexpected. Many people really wouldn't think to combine a maxi dress and brogues.

  • Try it on.
No, really. Try the outfit on, see if it works. You never know.

The combination of the sunglasses and choker was a tricky one . It just didn't feel right to me but after looking in the mirror, I was sold.

  • keep it simple. Sort of.
You don't want an overkill or you'll end up looking like a joke. A practical one. I wanted to go with a big afro but decided it be too much. You have to know when to go minimal or the line gets crossed.


Dress- Gift
Shoes- The Thrift Store
Choker- Zaful
Sunglasses- Zaful

If you'd like tips in style posts like this, holla!

Meanwhile, watch this Edgy lookbook from my YouTube channel. It's kinda creepy but hey, edgy Eh? Don't forget to subscribe and give the video a thumbs up if you enjoy!

How do you feel about Edgy fashion?

Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you!

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  1. I'm not a big fan of maxi denim.dresses. they can easily go wrong...but you absolutely nailed it here.

    I'm not the edgy fashion kinda of person but I've been considering trying new things. The thought of it become an absolute fail and me becoming an interest meme scares me tho. Lol.

    Thanks for the tips on bring edgy. I will definitely try it!

    Awesome post!


  2. I like any outfit that screams 'Different'. I'm a fan of edgy fashion myself but people really need to try the outfit on in front of a mirror so they don't go overboard. Best believe the first time I wear a maxi denim, it will be with sneakers. Love this.

  3. love this outfit and I love how edgy it looks

