
In the year 2016, I realized just how fast-paced life could get. How does one live in "the moment" when said moment is gone in the blink of an eye?

A lot of energy was spent planning 2017 in 2016 so much that now that the year is here, I feel sort of lost, like it just suddenly appeared and I'm a deer, frozen, caught in the glare of headlights. You could tell by the way I've been missing in action and the fact that there was no Christmas DIY in 2016. Nevertheless, we move forward.

First, a 2016 review:

I did a 2016 blogging resolutions post and I had 7 resolutions of which I fulfilled 6 so I think I did okay.

I wrote helpful posts, collaborated with brands and bloggers, made money from blogging (no matter how teeny tiny) and I was way more active on social media *coughs* Instagram *coughs*. I realized how I could stand out but I cancelled the Fashion Stance Series  and hardly tried anything new. I failed woefully in that aspect. On my more personal list, I wrote that I would go to the movies 7 times in 2016. I went 3 times. At the end of the year in some vain attempt to tick that off my list. So sad.

So here goes:

-Provide value.

It's so easy, as a blogger, to get lost in the struggles of content creation, labouring over topic after topic wondering what on earth to post when the answer is just at one's finger tips. 

What do I know that could help people?

I've realized that value comes in so many forms. It could be inspiration. Entertainment. Helping someone with a difficult task, it all depends on the person. Information you'd find useless, someone somewhere needs desperately so this year, I want to provide value.


Success is only possible, to me, if there's a balance. I could say I was successful in 2016 but whilst performing compulsory tasks and "succeeding", I was almost miserable. A bit of exaggeration there but that's sincerely how I felt.

What's the point of succeeding at set tasks and not being happy?

This year I want to balance out all aspects of my life. I have a plan and if it works, I'll share it.

-More "lifestyle" posts

My blog is a mixture of style, DIY, & photography. And lifestyle posts even though I'm not especially sure how that works. I plan to discover in 2017.


This didn't occur to me as a resolution until a friend (hey Vincent!) pointed it out. 

I'd been feeling overwhelmed with how much stuff I've had for a very long time and at the end of 2016, I decided to get rid of a lot of it. My room is near empty right now and it's making me immensely happy.

I had so many items of which I only used about 25%. And the remaining 75% really stressed me out. 

May be it's part of the reason I changed the blog theme, maybe it's not, but the truth is, halfway through 2016, I got sick and tired of all the pink, blue and yellow in the former blog theme. 

In 2017, I would probably lead  a minimal lifestyle. I first joked about being a minimalist here.

-Expand horizons

I'm a creature of routine so when I get stuck in my ways, I get stuck. Blissfully stuck. But this year, no more! I'll actually try new things even though I'm actually terrified of my future plans as I type this but ... How does one  truly live without taking risks?

-More DIYs

I have so many DIY ideas and it makes me so sad that I haven't posted one in months. It's just more stressful when taking pictures. I made something  today, a mesh choker, but couldn't take pictures because of camera issues. 

2017, ain't nothing stopping those DIYs from coming, camera or nah. Let's hope I still sing this tune months from now.

-Rediscover the fun

I used to derive so much fun from the creative process but for most of 2016, it became tedious. I would be so focused on just getting the content out there so that I'd have fulfilled a task off my list so I could move to the next task. Honestly, it became slightly wearisome.

In 2017, I want to play with my clothes. I want to have fun with fashion. I want to savour the creative process whilst feeling grateful for the opportunity of having an outlet to do so.

I'm going to take my focus off the statistics and stop feeling like they define me. 

I want to rediscover the fun.

Meanwhile, I made a Blog Survey to find out what you guys would like to see in 2017. Please fill the survey here, it's just 10 questions.

What are your New year's resolutions? 

Leave a comment, I'd love to hear from you!

Don't forget to subscribe. Seriously. I'm taking the newsletter thing seriously this year.

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For your dose of style inspiration, fashion & photography tips and DIY projects, all on a (low) budget.

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  1. I really loved loved this post!!! I also need to clear out my room, I am gonna do so tomorrow because with have so many clothes I neither wear nor like, and they aren't even the colours I consider 'cloth colours' same with books -even though I wanna cry about this. But the minimal but effective living is everything goals. And I hear you about enjoying the creative process, sometimes focusing on Stats and followers and comparing yourself dampens the fun. So am gonna try to just do everthing I wanted to do with blogging and have fun doing so. Looking forward to this year's posts!!!! And thanks for the mention

    1. You're welcome Vincent! The book thing ehn! It was painful o. But a clear space and mind is the best state for productivity.

  2. Me I want to start making money off blogging. I can't wait . Nice post dear www.adagirl.com.ng

  3. Heyy IJ. Happy New Year. I enjoyed reading this post and I learnt few things too that I'd be taking on. I love love your new theme. Really minimalist and pretty. Filled the survey already. A blog goal I think should be universal is not losing the fun while putting out content. Working on that too. I love the picture of you in shorts. So cute. Have a great year.

    1. Hey Laitan!

      Thanks a lot! Wishing you a great year too! ❤❤❤

  4. I'm with you on minimalism. Especially on clothes. I hardly wear them so I need to stop buying them. And buying only things I wear!

    Happy new year Hun! Have a great one.


    1. Right!!!?!

      I got rid of unnecessary clothes and I still have so much! I'm just wondering how I got here.

      Wishing you a great year too Kachee!

  5. The only thing in my head right now is that I have so much to do concerning my blog and I really need to take a break and figure it all out. Happy new year dear, I wish you all the best this year.

    1. This is exactly how I felt in December! I just knew something had to change.

      Happy New Year hunay!

  6. I'm so happy I took a break from blogging, because it really all became overwhelming. I wasn't happy with what I was putting out and I almost felt like a robot, trying to achieve some weird ideal. Now I would rather post as I feel the need, and be happy with it.

    On minimalism, I've been attracted to that kinda lifestyle (well, with my closet) but I haven't gotten around to it yet. It's so bad that I've been refusing to sleep in my room because I feel like I'm suffocating!


    1. Oh wow! Same! Clearing my room out was actually a new yet resolution on 2016 that I didn't around to ticking off until December!

      Minimalism was also on my list last year but I guess better late than never.

  7. I really love your all outfit especially dress. And god bless for your resolution. Happy blogging. :)

  8. I'm going to catch up on some posts I've missed here. Love the new blog design xx


