Fashion Stance


Everyone has different tastes and views when it comes to fashion. Fashion stance is all about individual fashion, Vogue individualisme. I'll be bringing everyday fashion from different people showing their different styles, personalities and fashion views.

Today's fashionist owns a clothing line (how cool is that?) "La ture Bespoke". I love his classy afro punk style with a touch of old school flavour although, that's not how he descibes it. He's style is funky, Bold and his blazers are to die for. Let's get right to his fashion stance.

Name: Michael Marcus

Occupation: Entrepreneur, fashion designer
Hobbies: Swimming, Tourism, Languages

In one word/sentence, what does fashion mean to you?
Fashion to me is endless; lasts forever.
How would you describe your style?
Minimalism and also very diverse; I try to get away with complicated looks and at the same time keep things mild.

  Where do you get your inspiration?
I derive my inspiration from a lot of things; Animate or inanimate... Colours I see when I walk into a store and observe a particular rack, nature..

Where do you shop?
when it comes to clothing items, I have no specifics. I get my clothes anywhere.. I think its somewhat of a bad habit but some clothing items come across once in a lifetime. I seldom buy though as most of what I wear is self designed

Favourite fashion designer(s)?
Tom Ford, Giorgio Armani, Karl Lagerfeld, Christopher Bailey, OZwald Boateng, Adrien Sauvage, Dolce & Gabbana

Favourite trends?
The "beard gang"

Favourite clothing article?


Go-to outfit?

Go-to outfit right now considering the weather for me would be a custom made Mesh tunic with denim jeans and a pair of leather sandal

What made you go into designing?

think it was always a matter of time. Funny thing was I never knew my dad was an artist till I was deep into fashion, then his old pictures resurfaced and I started relating to them

Who was your first client?

Our first clients were actually a family; a man an Engineer, his wife an architect and their two daughters. We designed pink blazers for the girls, I remember how cute they

Were you scared to plunge in?

Not at all. We just wanted to create a brand that would be different and stand out, I believed we would achieve our goals in due time, we weren't scared.

Any advice for people looking to go into designing?
Stay true to yourself, think outside the box and explore that God given creativity we all have.

"La Ture Bespoke"...Why the name?
'La Ture' is a french expression my late close friend coined in geneva to describe a car (VoiTURE). So basically, its stands for Progress, moving forward, Stability, Strength. The brand started shortly after he passed, so I felt it would be befitting to name it in his memory.. :)

Any formal training in fashion?
None yet

How far would you go for fashion/ the love of fashion?
I would go to the uttermost ends of the earth to pursue my art. Fashion is my art..

General take on fashion?
Be open to new things

Final thoughts

Michael is unique and unapologetic in the expression of himself in his style. Isn't that what we strive for? Unservile Fashion...

I'll be back with more real people, real fashion. Stay tuned ;)

Your thoughts?

What do you think? Let me know in the comments.

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  1. yup! he is stylissh..

  2. Such an awesome and unique style. It feels so fresh and different! I love all the colors, prints, and I love his glasses!


  3. That floral blazer is amazing,

  4. I agree 100%. Thanks for stopping by and for the lovely comments! :D

  5. This style is on point! Great post x

  6. Nice one bro, so inspiring

  7. Go Jibs!! Great interview

  8. Good one there, I love stylish guys

