What I Wore: 90's Baby, Millennium Kid


It's really weird how I don't keep up with the outside world. Much. I don't listen to the latest songs, I don't know a lot of celebrities, I don't keep up with politics and I don't know who the hell Apostle Suleiman is.

To top things off, I only just realized, last year, that the term "Millennial" was trending. 

It's such a controversial topic though. What with millennials not wanting to be identified as a group but as individuals and of course, the stereotypical conclusion that millennials feel entitled and are generally lazy.

I'll be honest. Whilst I generally am not in tune with my generation, I will say that I quite love the freedom afforded us. The freedom to live, the freedom to be. 

Our generation (generation Z) has literally changed the fashion world. I'll just leave it that because we know how. Let me know how you think we've changed the world (Ha Ha) in the comments. 

My style may be retro but I really don't think it would generally be seen as socially acceptable back in the day. Being a free spirit, I'm quite happy with our state of mind.

But of course, as with all things, there will always be extremists. Like feminists who don't wear bras. Not because they don't feel like, but to make a statement to the people (men) who created the contraption. Hardy har har.

People are who they are. Yes, environmental factors will always be key but at the core, at our very cores, we are who we are.

I'm a millennial. I'm hardworking, I don't remember what a landline looks like and I'm all for individualism.


Top: 7th Avenue
Shorts: Thrifted
Bracelet: Accessories Mall
Sandals: Gifted
Belt: Came with this skirt

Been a while since I did a post like this and I plan on doing more. You like?

If you'd like to find out just how much of a millenial you are, take this quiz. I got 96%. Surprise surprise.

Don't forget to subscribe to my blog and follow me on Instagram, let's connect!



P.S: Who can guess my new fave word? It's starts with "gen" and ends with "ally". Never knew this until I read this post. 

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  1. Generally (fave word).
    I love this post and the fact that it's sounds like a social commentary only you are taking an individualistic approach. Definitely looking forward to reading more.
    On a less related issue I love your hair,I'm currently transitioning #naturalhairgang and my hair is a sponge bob situation rn and I have been feeling rather discouraged but after seeing this post I'm definitely encouraged to continue the process.
    I love your outfit and it's no secret that I love your style too.
    P.S-I also took the test and I scored a ninety six percent too.
    My Style Look Book Series

    1. Thanks Praise. Keep at it, just keep transitioning, it'll eventually pay off. My hair was also a Sponge Bob situation. Water helps though.

      About the test, like mindsssss!

  2. I just took the test and I got 92%, i don't know if i'm surprised or nah.
    I love this post, it's like a breathe of fresh air and i will love to see more of this and your hair! i literally feel like loosing my hair just so I can wear it out


    1. Thanks Funke!

      Loving my hair like! Was shocked to see it this big. And I almost always feel like loosening my hair just to rock it too!

  3. When are you publishing your book so I can download the e-book version and read? I love your style of writing and we can't all keep up with this generation fr!

